Feray Girgin 1946 da Istanbulda dogdu. 1967 de ITU'den Kimya Muhendisi olarak mezun olup, 1 yil MKEK Kirikkale Pirinc Fabrikasinda Kalite Kontrol Sefligi yapti ve 1968'de Ingiliz Endustrileri Konfederasyonu'nun bursunu kazanarak Ingiltere'ye giiti. Petrokimya konusunda 2 yil ihtisas yapti ve daha sonra Manchester'de, Salford Universitesinde Masterini tamamladi. Evlenip, Arjantin'e yerlesti. Feray Girgin, Arjantin'de konusu ile ilgili degisik firmalarda, (Vialco, Monsanto Argentina, Arjantin Petrokimya Enstitusu vb) calisti. Buenos Aires'te, Arjantin-Turk Ticaret, Endustri ve Turizm Odasini kurup, baskanligini yapti. Yine ayni sehirde, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti adli Ilkokula her turlu maddi ve manevi yardimda bulundu. Okulun ogretim gorevlileri ve ogrencilerinin 1995 yilinda Ankara'da her yil kutlanan Uluslararasi Cocuk Bayramina katilmalarina yardimci oldu. Arjantin'de T.C. Buenos Aires Buyukelciligimizde, 11 yil, konsolosluk, kurumlarla iliskiler ve ticari iliskiler bolumlerinde gorev aldi. 4 Buyukelcimizin Ozel Sekreteri olarak calisti ve Disisleri Bakanligimizdan emekli oldu. Daha sonra New York'a yerlesen Feray Girgin burada da toplum faaliyetlerini, Amerika Turk Kadinlar Birliginde devam ettirdi. Dernegin 1999-2001 yillari arasinda Baskanligini, 2003-2005 yillari arasinda Baskan yardimciligini yuruttu. Uluslararasi Turk Toplulugu Federasyonu ve Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Turkish American Association' in kurulus asamalarinda yardimci olup, Baskanligini ustlendi. Gecen yildan beri de ITU Mezunlari Dernegi Baskanligina getirildi. Feray Girgin, 4 yil Ingiltere'de, 25 yil Arjantin'de, son 11 yil da ABD'de Turkiye'yi basari ile tanitti. Turkiye ve Turk insaninin tarihi, dili, edebiyati, kultur ve sanati, ekonomi, ticaret ve turizminin tanitilmasi alaninda calismalar gerceklestirdi. Ispanyolca konusanlara Turkce ogreten bir cep kitabi yazdi.
2008 de Florida Turk Radyosu'nun "Derneklerin Icinden" programinin yoneticiligini ustlendi. Dernekcilik faaliyetlerinin yaninda, bir is hanimi olarak, New City Builders fimasinin pazarlama ve satis mudurlugunu, New York ve Florida'da emlak alim satim islerini (Lic. Real Estate Broker olarak) devam ettirmektedir..Feray Girgin, ikisi kiz, biri erkek, meslek sahibi uc cocuk annesidir. Turkiye ve Turk Birligi ile ilgili calismalarindan dolayi, 2005 yilinda (Daughters of Ataturk) Ataturk'un Kizi odulunu almistir.
Ayhan Topcu 1957 yilinda Nigde’de dogdu. Ilk ve orta ogrenimini Kayseri’de yapti. TED Kayseri Koleji’nden mezun olduktan sonra 1975 yilinda ITU Mimarlik Fakultesi’ne girdi. Ayni fakulteden 1980 yilinda mezun oldu. 1981-1985 yillari arsinda Libya’da 1986-1990 yillari arasinda Ankara’da 1996-1990 yillari arasinda Libya’da 1997-2000 yillari arasinda Ankara’da gorev yapti. 2001 yilindan beri New York’ta ikamet etmekte ve bir muteahhitlik firmasinda Ihale Hazirlik-Proje Muduru pozisyonlarinda gorev yapmakyadir. 2 cocuk babasidir.
Kemal Karakaya
Aslı Demir
Ayhan Utkan
Gülesen Uzun
Mehmet Toy
Bahadir Eksioglu is a practicing professional civil engineer. His practice includes various aspects of geotechnical and foundation engineering. Mr. Eksioglu is a member of several professional organizations including American Society of Civil Engineers, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers and non-profit organizations including Eksioglu Foundation. Mr. Eksioglu is a native of Turkey. He completed his primary and secondary education in Istanbul and graduated from Galatasaray High School. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from Istanbul Technical University. He then moved to USA on a scholarship from the Turkish Government and completed his graduate studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with Master of Science degree in geotechnical engineering. In 1994, he joined the ranks of Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, a New York based consulting engineering firm, where he has been working since then.
Mehmet Ulema received MS & Ph.D. in Computer Science at Polytechnic University, New York. He also received BS & MS degrees at Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey. Currently he is a professor at Manhattan College, New York. Previously, he held management and technical positions in Daewoo Telecom, Bellcore, AT&T Bell Labs, and Hazeltine. Dr. Ulema has been involved in a variety of wireless projects including 3G wireless networks, wireless LANs, Wireless Local Loops, and management of wireless networks. He has published in various international conferences and journals. He holds two patents. He gave numerous talks and tutorials on network management of wireless networks. He is involved in many IEEE conferences. Currently, he is appointed as a General co-chair the IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2008. More recently, he served as the Program chair for a number of conferences including ICC 2006 held in Istanbul. Currently he is on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Network and Services Management, the Wireless Network Journal, and the Journal of System and Network Management.
Mehmet Kılınç
Aliye Çelik
Y üksel Atillasoy
Tayfun Selen
Ali Naci Akansu
Umut Hazar
Hüseyin Kopkalli (P.E., MSCE) received Bachelor of Science degree from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering in1976 and Master of Science degree from Polytechnic Institute of New York in1979.
Hüseyin Kopkall2 is both an accomplished bridge and highway engineer, has worked on many transportation projects in eastern United States. He is highly experienced in original and rehabilitation designs for both concrete and steel bridges/viaducts which include high level, long span major river crossings as well as simple span and continuous span designs for grade separation on highway, railroad and river crossings.
He joined Ysrael A. Seinuk, P.C. Consulting Engineers in 1998 and currently serves as Senior Vice President - Chief Bridge Engineer in charge of bridge and highway projects.
Nilgun D. Ozdemir (P.E., MSCE, PMP) received BSCE and MSCE degrees from Istanbul Technical University in Turkey. Currently she is a Senior Project Manager at The Port Authority of NY & NJ responsible for managing $ 72 M Battery Park City Ferry Terminal Construction Project in New York. She has ower twenty years of civil/structural engineering experience including ten years as a Pricipal/ Lead engineer in design and construction of heavy steel and concrete structures typical of oil refineries, process and pharmaceutical plants. She joined Foster Wheeler - BIMAS in 1977 and then transferred to FWUSA a NJ based major international firm in 1980, where she worked on various projects located throughout in USA (including high seismic zone California) and South America. She joined The PA of NY & NJ Engineering Department in 2001 and survived September 11 attacks and was assigned to Temporary PATH/World Trade Center Station project in NY for structural design of the terminal.It has been open to public since November 2002. Mrs. Ozdemir was transferred to Project Management Department from Engineering in 2003 where she has been responsible for managing development and delivery of a broad range of transportation projects for PATH and Office of Ferry Transportation since then.